Monday, June 10, 2013

Time For An Exciting Scavenger Hunt!

Do you live with a little explorer? Is your little boy or girl constantly going on little “treasure hunts”? Why not make a game out of it! Here is a fun idea for a two-part “distance” scavenger hunt to do with our Big Tape Measure that can be exciting AND educational!

First, hide little “prizes” or “awards” around your house and yard. After your child finds the items, they have to use their Big Tape Measure to record how long it is.

Second, have your kid use their tape measure to go find items that are a certain length that you specify. After they successfully do all that, have one grand prize they get for completing the hunt!

It can sometimes be difficult to help your kids learn, but in the right scenarios and with the right tools, learning can be easy and fun!

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